Opening Convocation, Salem Sets the Stage, and Women Take the Stage Watch Party

Join us for a Salem Watch Party - August 26th 2020 starting at 8pm

I am excited to invite you to the Opening Convocation, Salem Sets the Stage, and  Women Take the Stage watch party on Wednesday, August 26th, starting at 8pm. The watch party begins at 8pm with the Convocation and will kick off the events for the evening. This will be followed by the Salem Sets the Stage pre-show for the Women Take the Stage event at 8:30pm. The Women Take the Stage national event begins at 9pm, it is a national concert and celebration of the centennial of the passage of the 19 Amendment. This Amendment prohibited states from barring women from voting. We are excited to partner with this large and diverse national event celebrating this important milestone on the journey toward equality in the US. More details regarding the Women Take the Stage national event can be found below. The Opening Convocation begins at 8pm, the Salem Sets the Stage pre-show begins at 8:30pm and it is followed by the live national event at 9pm. The Opening Convocation and Salem Sets the Stage events can be accessed on the Salem College website or directly through the watch party on Facebook. The Women Take the Stage national event can be accessed through the link below or directly through the watch party as well.  

The watch party will be held on the Center for Women's Political Engagement and Public Service Facebook page starting at 8pm on Wednesday. This will be a great way to start the semester, celebrating with colleagues the opening of the year and this important moment in our history. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I have included a link to the Facebook page below. I hope to see you (virtually) on Wednesday at 8pm.

Center for Women's Political Engagement and Public Service on Facebook

Elizabeth Wemlinger